Baby's Cookin'

baby growth

Friday, September 25, 2009


Goodbye first trimester….Hello the-easy-part. Or so they say….

            Apparently the second trimester is the wonderful time when women get their belly bump and they are no longer sick, all smiles, pure bliss. I find it hard to believe growing out of all your clothes and feeling like a whale is pure bliss but I guess it’s all about your outlook.

Really pregnancy has been fun. It’s new and exciting and once I find out what we’re having, HELLO, excuse to shop!  I’m so proud of myself because I haven’t bought anything yet. I was at the mall running some errands (some undergarments just won’t fit anymore) and I breezed through the Baby Gap. CUTE!  They had these little vintage looking tee’s that had Curious George, and ‘Where The Wild Things Are’ (remember that awesome children’s book?)

I’ve heard moms say ‘why would I spend name-brand prices on kids clothes when they are going to grow out of them in a few months?” I totally get it and I agree.  I’m sure If I pop out one or two more it’s all going to be about hand me downs and ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees, You’re going to wear those pants until I see your ankles!” Or how about , “Johnny, your sister’s shirt fits you just fine. When they make fun of you just tell them you’ll be their boss some day.” Ok I probably won’t subject my kids to that but I am all about bargain shopping. But it is so hard to walk away from these cute nike outfits and Baby Gap hats I know I’ll buy just a couple outfits.

Don’t get me wrong, I think my Babys-Daddy is super handsome but really when you put the two of us together our little one might need all the help he/she can get, so a ‘happenin’ outfit or two can’t hurt anything.

Good news everybody, The inspection on our third house went great.! So it’s looking like it’s ours! I’m not going to do my victory dance until we sign the closing papers but it looks like that will happen at the end of  October. There is also a really really really cute nursery already in it, FOR A BOY. Man, we both want a boy so bad- but I could just add a pink stripe through the blue if I have too. (and our child’s identity crisis begins)

On a personal mommy note- I’m trying to mentally prepare to be a good mom. If any of you have good tips on how to actually do that let me know. I haven’t had a super amount of time to get the good wife thing down so I think it might be kinda like that- trial-and-error.  I’m thankful God is so merciful and gives so much grace. I feel like I fall short all the time but He is always there with a  gentle correction and points me in the right direction. (That right direction is usually a pride-swallowing apology.) I want to be the woman-wife-mom God is calling me to be. I feel like lately, the only way to up my chances at that is going to be PRAYER PRAYER PRAYER- Oh, and a little praise cause sisters’ gotta get her praise on.

Love you all.

Friday, September 11, 2009

From Embryo To Fetus...Always A Baby

I have reached the important ten weeks mark. According to  here's where we are...drumroll please...

Though he's barely the size of a kumquat — a little over an inch or so long, crown to bottom — and weighs less than a quarter of an ounce, your baby has now completed the most critical portion of his development. This is the beginning of the so-called fetal period, a time when the tissues and organs in his body rapidly grow and mature. He's swallowing fluid and kicking up a storm. Vital organs — including his kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver (now making red blood cells in place of the disappearing yolk sac) — are in place and starting to function, though they'll continue to develop throughout your pregnancy.
If you could take a peek inside your womb, you'd spot minute details, like tiny nails forming on fingers and toes (no more webbing) and peach-fuzz hair beginning to grow on tender skin.

My baby no longer has webbed toes. Whew! That should keep him from being shoved in a locker or two (for the record even if he/she pops out with webbed toes, I'll still love him.)

In other news... I got my first belly rub. My co-workers wife came in and grabbed my belly and rubbed it. It actually didn't bother me, especially since she is trying to get pregnant and she was trying to rub some "prego" vibe on her. I hate to break it to her but that's not how you get pregnant.  I'm not really showing,I am a little bit , but reality is its fat she was rubbing. SO if she gains 5 lbs, it ain't my fault.

I could fill this post with how easy my pregnancy has been with no vomiting and how I absolutely have loved my first trimester.... buuuuttttt..... truth is I poured out a ocean of tears over my stupid dog chewing my favorite black shoe.When Matt says "Your beautiful" I automatically retort "Your just  saying that because you were just noticing how much weight I'm gaining!" my eyes fighting back tears. I'm hot,cold, and always tired. May I introduce to you.....Ms. Emotional! I can't wait to feel normal again, everyone is telling me after my first trimester things get better, you just get fatter. I can already things aren't as bad as they have been. So I will take my mother-in-laws advice (................................) and try to enjoy this time.